Gentry Photos - 2002 January/June

I’m way behind on posting family pictures, so here’s a quick view of the last 6 months.

tortilla chip family

Corinne created the Tortilla Chip Family
and a self portrait walking a dog. 
(No circles were allowed!)
Corinne Walking Drum

She also had a birthday party

Corinne Birthday Corinne Birthday Corinne Birthday

Harrison was on the Math Team, in a music program, and in the spelling bee, .

Harrison Math Team Harrison School Music Program

Harrison School Music Program Harrison Spelling Bee

West Lafayette Snowfall

We had some snow

The Purdue Spring Fling (Bug Bowl) was a fun day

Bug Bowl Bug Bowl - Red Gold Car Bug Bowl Bug Bowl

We had a fun cookout on Memorial Day

Memorial Day Cookout Memorial Day Cookout Memorial Day Cookout Memorial Day Cookout Memorial Day Cookout Click for larger image

We have to have some dog pictures

Dash Drum

Dogs - Fairgrounds

Last Updated - 6/23/02