October, 2003 Photos

We got a new camera and went kind of crazy with the photos. Below are a select few.

Here's the camera, a Canon S50

Canon S50

We did the goofy picture thing...

Corinne gets crazy

Harrison tries to top her

Trigger is a devil dog!

Click Here for more Trigger pictures

Fun at the neighbor's...

Washing Gourds

Corinne puts on her shoes

A night on the town...

Boiler Market

State Street Village at Night

Julie and kids came to visit...

Kids on fence

Click Here for more pictures from the visit

Kelly convinced a chipmunk to eat from her hand...

Chipmunk's feeding time

Chipmunk's feeding time

Chipmunk's feeding time

Chipmunk's feeding time

We had a fun bike ride on the Cattail trail...

Cattail trail

Cattail trail

Cattail trail

Cattail trail

Cattail trail

with ice cream at the Silver Dipper

Silver Dipper

Wally came to vist, bringing a big box of old photos, letters, and clippings...

Uncle Wally

I had a birthday

Dan's Birthday

We had a little friend on the front window...

Tree Frog on Window

And went Trick or Treating with the neighborhood kids...

Corinne and Izzy as Dalmations

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