Steve Morley's Photo Album

Steve loaned me some old photos. I've tried to determine when, where, and who for each. Please let me know if you can provide any more information. Also, if I have any facts wrong, be sure to point that out, too.

This first batch is from a party - or maybe several parties - at Brian Cox's bachelor pad in the early 80's

"Do you know Stairway to Heaven?"

Brian is on the banjo, SV and Marko are listening, and I'm holding a guitar as if I knew how to play.
Brian on Banjo

Elephant Call

Calling All Elephants on the West side.

Brian is on the 'bone, and I'm apparently amused. I'm sure it's very late at night, and the neighbors are loving it.

(What's funnier - the outfit or the facial hair?)

I think Marko, SV, and I are dancing. That is Brian and an unnamed hat on the left. Is that Tom Osborn with the babes on the couch? Spastic Dance

Freeze!  My Coat is Hideous!!

That jacket is horrid (and I still have it in the back of the closet).

Brino! Brino

Carolyn on a porch Carolyn Ribordy (now Eyrick) on a porch. It could be a dorm - or maybe the Door Village School. Anyone recognize it?

Here's Kelly and I at a birthday party in April, 1987 (around our first wedding anniversary).

It's labeled "A Sad Buck and a Goofy Buckette" on the back.
Kelly and Dan

I travelled to Nashville in 1988 (give or take a year) and posed with SV for a series of intelligent photos. I'll show these instead.

Gorilla Muffler

He's not happy.

I think those sunglasses were made popular by 'Face' on the A-Team.

This guy, on the other hand, looks elated.

The MTV sweatshirt is quite cool.
Dragon Dude

When Steve toured with the Bellamy Brothers and (someone else I can't remember), he stopped in Crawfordsville, Indy, and Mesa, AZ to vist.


This is why they usually made Steve stay in the bus.

Brian and Martha, me, and two people I don't know at a Bellamy show. Party Table

Brian, Dan, Steve in a doorway.

Brian, Steve and I in the dressing room before the show.

SV visits John and Bev in AZ.

Steve seems to like posing in doorways.
Bev, SV, John - also in a door way.

Harrison and Dan

Young Harrison and I - August, 1992

I'm not sure where this is, but there is a policeman in the background.

Anyone else have old photos to share? Send scans, or send the pictures and I'll scan. These are too fun to keep hidden in a box in the attic.

Last Updated 8/30/03

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